Erdem ErbabaMekatronik Mühendisliği: Teorik ve Pratik TanımıMekatronik mühendisliği, mekanik, elektronik, yazılım ve kontrol sistemlerinin birleştiği bir disiplindir. Bu alanda çalışan mühendisler…Jan 29, 2023Jan 29, 2023
Malshani WijekoonCalling an API within another API.What is an API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows one software application…Feb 9, 20243Feb 9, 20243
Hüsna POYRAZJava @Retention AnatasyonuMerhabalar, @Retention Anatasyonu aşağıdaki sorulara göre bu makalede konu olarak ele alınmıştır.Jan 16, 20241Jan 16, 20241
InGaranti BBVA TeknolojibyNevil GultekinPlatform for Enterprise Transformation | 4- The PlatformIn this article I will explain the Platform we built in Garanti BBVA starting with “What is the Platform”.May 18, 20221May 18, 20221
Yağız KüçükkambakDocker ile JIRA DC MimarisiSelamlar herkese, Bu yazımda Docker kullanarak JIRA DC Mimarisi yapısını inceleyeceğiz..Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
Alper PekerAPACHE CASSANDRA: Nedir? Nasıl Kullanılır?Bu yazımda veri kaybı önlem, yüksek erişilebilirlik ve yüksek performans gereksinimleri doğrultusunda günümüzde yaygın olarak tercih edilen…Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyBex T.How to Upload And Download Files From AWS S3 Using Python (2022)Jan 20, 20228Jan 20, 20228
InTDS ArchivebyRobin Chan5 Tricks to Master Pandas append()Hands-on tutorial to effectively add rows at the end of current DataFrame with Pandas append()Jan 17, 20222Jan 17, 20222
Jonathan HuiRL — Guided Policy Search (GPS)With Guided Policy Search GPS, a robot learns each skill in the video in 20 minutes. If it is trained by the Policy Gradient methods, it…Jan 18, 20221Jan 18, 20221
Muhammed Salih KarakaşlıDomain based Cleartext Traffic Permission in Android ApplicationsA few days ago, I faced an issue about loading some images by using Glide library. As you can guess, image URLs comes from backend…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
Susan LiBuilding A Recommender System With Implicit Feedback Datasets Using Alternating Least SquaresRecSys, ALS, Collaborative FilteringJan 16, 20225Jan 16, 20225
Jonathan HuiStatistics (I) in Data Science & Machine LearningIn the fields of data science and machine learning, engineers often have a hard time understanding their maths. It is not that hard. Maybe…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022